Timothy Chinyereugo Ekwebelem is a British-trained clinical research associate, and he is the author of the complete theoretical and practical guide for clinical research associates and those aspiring to enter into clinical research. He holds the degree of Master of Science in Clinical Drug Development from Bart and The London Queen Mary School of Medicine and Dentistry which is a charter of the Queen Mary University of London, an Advanced Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Research and Medical Writing from James Lind Institute Switzerland, Bachelor of Science Degree Hons Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Greenwich London. He worked with top Professors, Medical Doctors, and Academic Doctors at William Harvey Research Institute London where he co-authored and published abstract articles with renowned top British Professors and Doctors in the like of Professor Athol Johnson of the Clinical Pharmacology of William Harvey Research Institute London, Professor Arthur Tucker of Microvascular Unit of Saint Bartholomew’s Hospital London, and Dr. Telfer of the Royal London Hospital UK titled ''The study of the effect of nitric oxide on Microcirculatory blood flow in patients with sickle cell SS'' published at the British Pharmacology Society London. Timothy Chinyereugo Ekwebelem is currently working for clinical research report org as a senior clinical research associate, and he has worked as a clinical trial assistant with Richmond Pharmacology London and since he graduated from Medical School he had written and published independent research work titled ''The split mix method may be the answer to denaturing the integration of HIV RNA into the host DNA'' published at the American Journal of Molecular Biology. He is also the author of Journal publication titled '' Nitric Oxide can effect healing on diabetic ulcers published at LinkedIn. Timothy Chinyereugo Ekwebelem is currently the author of the following books, 1. Clinical Research Law and Ethics Volume 2: Human Research and a complete guide to regulatory compliance. 2. Clinical Research Law and Ethics: Human research and a complete guide to regulatory compliance 3. The complete theoretical and practical guide for clinical research associates and those aspiring to enter into clinical research volume 2. 4. The complete theoretical and practical guide for clinical research associates and those aspiring to enter into clinical research. 5. How to monitor and write clinical trial monitoring report after each visit in a clinical trial site: A practical guide to writing clinical trial monitoring report Volume 1 6. The comprehensive guide to clinical research volume 1: Practical and theoretical guide to clinical research. 7. The Trueness of God: God is True 8. When Kings were Born season 1