Tina Dreffin is a best-selling travel writer. Her first book won the IPPY Nonfiction Silver Medal Ebook award. Dreffin has been telling stories since as a youth. Adventure sticks to her like two sides of Velcro. Ever since her 1st day aboard a boat, Dreffin has gathered stories to the delight of her fans. Her stories have been published in a host of periodicals. Her photography and articles appear in many magazines, including Cruising World, SAIL, International Living, Multihulls Magazine, Multihull Sailor, and the Caribbean Compass. She has also had work included in the anthology “The Best of the Caribbean Compass.” Dreffin reared two sons aboard a boat and in 2005, she took off with her beau and their two teenaged sons to circle the globe. Today, Dreffin stills lives aboard a boat in the Bahamas where she continues to tell stories. On her first passage, she dove overboard to retrieve her beau's hat. He proposed the same day, knowing she'd make a great 1st mate. "I'll send you out to retrieve the lost anchor!" Dreffin’s travels aren’t limited to the sea. She and her family have traveled the world by train, donkey, horseback, bicycle, and plane. Dreffin hosts presentations of her photography and works as a motivational speaker, encouraging families to travel with their children, put down their devices, and get out to explore. Wherever Dreffin goes, you can count on events going all wrong. "Life is more exciting that way!" Tina Dreffin loves connecting with her readers. You may find her at: Website: www.bluewaterwalkabout.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/bluewaterwalkabout Twitter: www.twitter.com/tinadreffin