Tina Nichols Coury


Tina Nichols Coury is an author, award winning multi-media artist, blogger, vlogger, producer of book trailers and all around Renaissance woman. Her article on book promotion in Children’s Writer’s and Illustrator’s Market 2010, “Blog Tours to Book Trailers,” is a go-to resource for authors interested in promoting their books. In her debut picture book, Hanging Off Jefferson's Nose: Growing Up on Mt. Rushmore (Dial Books for Young Readers, 2012), Tina brings to life the story of Lincoln Borglum, the boy who helped build Mt. Rushmore. In character as “The Rushmore Kid” (www.therushmorekid.com), she visits schools across the United States to present her popular "Why I Love America” program, which promotes an understanding and appreciation of the essential qualities that make America great. Tina grew up in L.A. as the youngest of four children to a single saint of a mom. While attending twelve years of parochial school, she found writing a sure way to get out of homework, and suck up to the nuns. She wrote her first play, What Santa wants for Xmas, in third grade and had her class perform it. On her popular kidlit blog, Tales from the Rushmore Kid (http://www.tinanicholscouryblog.com), Tina has interviewed some of the giants in children’s literature, including Neil Gaiman, Sherman Alexie, Joan Bauer, John Green and Kathleen Duey. Tina currently lives and works on the beach in Oxnard, California with her husband Al, their Doberman, Honey, and the Keyboard Kitties, Toulouse and Monet. Tina is represented by Mark McVeigh, founder of The McVeigh Agency, New York, N.Y. For information on her school visits and writing workshops, contact her at info@tinanicholscoury.com

