Tobias Martochko


Hi, I'm Tobias Martochko, author of Money is the Root of All Wealth. Here's a little bit about my life: As a child, my grandma showed me an extensive coin collection she had amassed. I was instantly hooked. I began rummaging through every change jar I could find looking for old and rare coins. In second grade I was made treasurer of my class, and in fifth grade, I skipped a level in math. In college, I studied finance, and today I'd like to consider myself a personal finance expert, granted there's always more to learn. My vision is to help as many people as possible get control of their financial situation, so they can stop living paycheck to paycheck, and start living the life of their dreams. My book is a reflection of the 7 essential lessons every person must follow if they want to live a life of prosperity and wealth. If you have already read my book and It changed your life, please share, It would be greatly appreciated!

