Todd Boss, a critically-acclaimed poet, librettist, public artist, and film producer. His poetry collections YELLOWROCKET, PITCH, TOUGH LUCK, and SOMEDAY THE PLAN OF A TOWN are published by W. W. Norton & Co. Todd’s poems have appeared in Poetry, American Poetry Review, The London Times, The New Yorker, NPR, and Best American Poetry. His many texts for choir have been performed at Kennedy Center, Carnegie Hall, and all around the world. Todd’s film company, Motionpoems, has turned more than 150 contemporary poems into short films. His public art installations include building projections, river installations, and AR/VR projects. Todd is the inventor of The Laptop Strap. His first children's book, THE BOY WHO SAID WOW, is due in 2023 from Simon & Schuster. In 2018, Todd sold all his belongings and quit his lease. He is still a nomad. More about Todd at