Todd C Feren


Todd Feren is a Florida native who enjoys spending time with his 2 dogs, (Rex and Hachi) his cat, (Muffin) and a multitude of monsters that are constantly trying to take over his life. The only way to protect himself from the monsters is to trap them in some sort of story. He grew up in a beach town where he and his friends accidentally opened a portal to a dark realm while playing with what they all thought was a fake book of evil that went by the name "Dark Feast: A step by step guide to demon summoning and dark arts" It was then that his life took a turn. He began writing and producing plays in Orlando Florida in the mid 90s. It was during the production of "Todd C. Feren's The Zombie Monologues," that the seed for the series "Inhuman" was first planted. As a young boy of six, he was cast in a school play as the eternally youthful "Peter Pan." While excitedly running around back stage and pretending like he was flying, he screamed over and over, "I'm a vampire! I'm a Vampire!" And thus, the idea for "Nightmare of Neverland" was born. He's actively working on follow-up books to both "Inhuman," "Nightmare of Neverland," and the "Parker And Jesus" series. The new release in Spring of 2022 is Implausible Poe and the Impossible Multiverse! (OUT NOW) It's the story of a man who discovers that members of a cult from multiple realities are breaking into his universe in search of him. They plan to kill him because they believe his very existence will end the entire multiverse. Along with some very unique friends, he plunges into the rifts that separate realities in order to solve the mystery of what makes Poe so implausibly dangerous.


