Todd Travis


Todd Travis's interests include conspiracy theories, the poetry of Michael O'Donoghue and pop music and movies of the 80s. He is single and moves around a whole lot. His current whereabouts are at this time unknown. He doesn't like cable news, views cellphones with suspicion and don't even get him started on email. He also believes poker is not a sport and therefore should never be allowed on ESPN. He is the author of the thriller CREATURES OF APPETITE, its sequels TROPHIES, TALENTS and THE HAIL MARY, which feature Emma Kane and Jacob Thorne, the horror novel SEX, MARRY, KILL, the novella DERELICT and the horror collection THE LIVING AND THE DEAD. More books are on the way. You can contact him via a Facebook fan page that a friend set up for him. Sign up on Todd's Amazon author page to be notified when his next novel is launched.



