Tom Patrick


Tom Patrick is a native of Chattanooga, TN. He graduated from Vanderbilt U. and Emory U. but will tell you his best education came from the Bible, work experience, and service as a tank platoon leader in West Germany during the height of the Cold War. He worked summers in a warehouse at age eleven and became a distance truck driver at sixteen. At nineteen, he went to the oil fields of Oklahoma to work as a roughneck on a drilling rig. There was an accident; he was crushed and spent a month in the hospital. God had intervened. This began a lifetime of blessings and miracles. Tom has been teaching the Bible since 1980; it is his great love and greatest gift. Hobbies were sailplane and aircraft pilot, motorcycles, boats, tractors, and serving as volunteer firefighter until age seventy. Two strokes and open-heart surgery have slowed the pace, but life remains full. He is burdened for Christians who are saved but struggle to accept the mystery and miracles in God’s presence by His Holy Spirit. We are called to be stewards of this mystery. It is Tom’s prayer that his books will open hearts and minds to go deeper into the heart of God.



