Tom Wescott


Tom Wescott was born in Jefferson City, MO in 1973 and moved to Oklahoma in 1985. Along the way he discovered a love for music, film, and mystery..both of the fictional and non-fictional variety. While perusing horror novels at a used book store in 1997 he discovered an abandoned and misplaced non-fiction book tossed crookedly on top of the orderly row of novels. It was a book on Jack the Ripper. He took it home, read it, and wondered if he'd read the 'final solution'. So he went to the library and checked out a couple more books on the case...then a couple more...then he found this place called on this thing called the internet he was working to figure out. Over the next 15 years Wescott published as many as 20 essays on the Ripper case in a selection of journals devoted to the topic: Ripperologist, Ripper Notes, Casebook Examiner, and many others. In 2014 he published his first full-length book on the case, offering new information and insights not seen in any other book on the case. He also recently published his first work of short fiction; a story entitled 'Coffin Dirt' in the horror fiction anthology Undead of Winter, edited by Sarah Glenn. In the near future Wescott will publish at least two new non-fiction titles on the Ripper case as well as a fictional mystery series (nothing to do with ol' Jack) under a nom de plume. You can find Wescott discussing his work at and at



