Tommy Mertell


Tommy Mertell, born in September 1989, under some rather rough conditions, works as a Ghostwriter on Upwork. He has sold many eBooks, and you can read many of them in the Fantasy, Survivalism, and How-To sections of Amazon. He began his venture in the early 2010's to sell his own material and after realizing how horrible the grammar and spelling of his material was, decided to wait until he had the skills to deliver to the market. After five years of professionally selling his work without taking credit, Tommy decided to come back on to the market in 2017 to sell his material. Tommy's primary source of writing is Fantasy and Horror, but he likes to partake in Technology and Survivalism due to the similarities between the duo categories. If you are looking for proof that I am the author of these books that you have seen underneath sinithwar, this is your proof, I am sinithwar. Sinith was my first ever character and he was the Gakekeeper of War.


