Tony Poninghaus


I was born in Auckland, New Zealand, too many years ago to remember. I grew up doing what every other kid did, and then, as the years progressed, I developed a keen interest in abstract art, as too, trying to understand this universe of ours. Not to say there is any relationship between the two, although I have tried to express something along these lines in some of my paintings, those in my Rio days. Professional business and then university work required writing, but it wasn't until living in Rio de Janeiro about 20 years ago, did I begin, in earnest, writing non-fiction and then the beginnings of fictional works, inspired by a book Carolina's uncle Luiz gave me. My non-fiction includes individual and social commentaries, essentially focusing on things I consider need attention in this world of ours – poverty, distribution of wealth, the distribution and control of power. More recently, I have moved to some of the imponderable questions, where have we come from and where are we going, that sort of stuff. My painting books began some years back and are all on abstract painting. They are designed for those just starting to paint or expressing an interest in abstract art. They give help and guidance, loosely talking about the basics and providing doable examples to help you gain confidence and start painting. I have also written a book on prostate cancer. Cancer is one of those things you must confront and be proactive. The book provides lots of helpful information and my personal experience. Fiction writing did seem easy, starting out. However, as I discovered, it is very difficult. But some years on I have published the first of a trilogy - The Prussian Soldier, set in the Napoleonic period, and I am continuing to work hard on the second of the trilogy. It is a passion, and I love historical fiction, living the lives of my characters in days gone past. At the same time, I have recently ventured into current-day fiction. My first work, Ted, The Lake House, tells of Ted's recent summer, Ted having entered his sixties, the ride no less bumpy than those of earlier years. It was fun writing, low-key, and not too much stress. An adventure filled with its fair share of quirky corners, testing times and moving pathways. But then again, it is also a romance story. I am currently working on a number of large abstract works for a new book.



