Tracey Clapp


I was that kid that tried to make Tracy Island out of toilet roll holders and my passion for anything crafty grew like a weed right through to the adult I am today. I made jewellery for many, many years and still do. Then I discovered Cricut....what can I say?, a revelation. The freedom the Cricut machine gives everyone is immense. This even applies if you don't consider yourself 'crafty'. It has opened everyone up to the concept that you can express yourself in your own way with your own piece of art. No longer do you have an idea but are completely at a loss as to how to execute to a finished product. You can even make money using it! I write in an easy to digest manner which, hopefully, engages the reader but also, more importantly, leaves them feeling that they can achieve something and give them the confidence to try out new ideas. The pleasure you feel from executing something from an embryonic idea through to that finished product is beyond measure and if I can help in some small way for you to achieve it, then my job is done.


