Tracy Enos is Kansas City's top LinkedIn Expert Advisor, volunteer, and single Mom of 4. In July of 2015 she sustained 3rd degree burns, a 6 day stint in the burn unit, and 5 surgeries in 9 months. She wrote her first article the following October. It was featured in LinkedIn Pulse, and generated five-figures in just two hours of work. With over 19 years of skilled experience, Tracy serves a wide variety of clients including entrepreneurs, small to mid-sized companies, start-up ventures and Internet media organizations. A seasoned business and internet media coach, Tracy drives core business processes for the clients she serves including LinkedIn Training, Social Media, Book Marketing and Public and Media Relations. In the last 6 years Tracy has consulted 1000's of business owners, SaaS companies, coaches, authors, service professionals, sales teams and entrepreneurs how to use LinkedIn to generate leads, become the authority in their industry and stay front of mind with their clients. She is known globally for her LinkedIn knowledge and training with clients in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Israel, and the U.K. Her consulting expertise has netted her clients speaking engagements, media attention, guest articles in major publications and trade magazines, and millions of dollars in new business. Need a speaker or want to learn how to generate consistent leads with LinkedIn? Call Tracy at (816) 607-1570 or email her