Travis Hoefle is an experienced documentary-style filmmaker with a passion for telling powerful stories from the field. He first met Mike Kimmel, widely known as “Python Cowboy,” while producing a video for his own YouTube channel. Captivated by Python Cowboy’s dedication to saving the Everglades, Travis began following him on his mission to control Florida’s invasive species populations, which threaten the native wildlife and delicate ecosystems of southern Florida. Over the years, Travis and Python Cowboy have teamed up to create impactful videos, educating people worldwide about the critical issues facing the Everglades. Mike Kimmel, now one of the leading python hunters in southern Florida, runs Martin County Trapping & Wildlife Rescue. His operation has grown from a local initiative into a nationally recognized force for wildlife conservation, with Mike gaining popularity on social media for his work on invasive species management. Known for his innovative methods, Mike has even pioneered the use of trained dogs, like Otto, to track and capture invasive iguanas and pythons. With features on national TV shows, top podcasts, and state wildlife projects, Python Cowboy has become one of the top wildlife consultants in the field. Together, Travis and Python Cowboy continue their mission to inspire future generations. Their latest project a children’s book highlights Otto the dog, a fan favorite, to introduce kids to the importance of protecting native species and the need for a balanced ecosystem in Florida.