Trey Talley traveled the world for 15 years as an evangelist working with local churches to bring the gospel to their communities. These experiences lead him to realize that there are many professing Christians who do not know the gospel. There appeared to be something missing in many of the churches and people that he worked with, and that something was the knowledge of God’s word. After witnessing such Biblical anemia among professing Christians, a zeal was fostered. Trey was led to start a church in his town where believers could be equipped with the knowledge of God’s word through expository preaching and teaching. Soon he planted The Church At Pecan Creek of Denton, TX, where he serves as pastor and elder. Trey has been dramatically impacted by the teaching of Dr. R.C. Sproul and Ligonier Ministries. So much so, that he received his Doctor of Ministry from Ligonier Academy. Trey lives in Denton, TX, with his wonderful wife, who homeschools their three children. To listen to his weekly sermon, go to: To follow his blog, go to: