Tricia is the author of many books for children, including the award winning middle grade novels "What Happened on Fox Street", "Moonpenny Island" and "Every Single Second". She's also written four books in the "Cody" chapter book series, illustrated by Eliza Wheeler, as well as the picture book "Phoebe and Digger", illustrated by Jeff Newman. Her newest picture book, "Khalil and Mr. Hagerty and the Backyard Treasures", illustrated by Elaheh Taherian, is an ALA Notable Book and was chosen by Readers Digest as one of the best 100 children's books ever published. Kirkus called her 2021 middle grade "The Most Perfect Thing in the Universe", a "perfect thing in the universe of juvenile literature. Her most recent novel, "Looking for True", a Horn Book Fanfare Best Book of the year, was hailed as "Because of Winn-Dixie for a new generation". Tricia has worked as a Head Start teacher and a children's library associate. Besides writing and, of course, reading, she loves doing school and library visits. Mother of three grown daughters and four perfect grandbabies, she lives with her husband, garden and cats in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, and contact her at