Hi! I’m Tristan Walters. I am a non-fiction author from Devon (UK) that specialises in writing wildlife books for young readers. Before my career in publishing, I was a former teacher with over fifteen years of experience teaching at a National Teaching School. In addition, I also have an extensive background in zoology, writing as a freelance journalist for popular science magazines, including BBC Wildlife Magazine. Just over five years ago, I had the crazy idea to follow my dreams and write a set of children’s books. My idea was to create a series of books that would use the natural world to inspire and motivate young readers but also helping them learn to read. And so…the ‘Safari Readers’ books were born. There are over twenty books in the series now and I am incredibly proud that they are helping so many children, parents and teachers around the world! Find out more about any new titles to the series by following us @safarireaders