Vanessa Wells lives with her family deep in an enchanted forest (in Texas). Her hobbies include writing, drinking tea, reading, writing some more, and cooking. She battles daily infestations of plot bunnies...and dust bunnies, but that's another matter entirely. Vanessa is the author of the Seventeen Stones Trilogy, the Topeka Texas Chronicles, and the AREA 52 science fiction short story series. She is a contributor to the anthologies Adventure of Creation and Ye Olde Magick Shoppe, and editor for Trick or Treat and Spirit, and co-editor for the Grumpy Old Gods anthologies. She is currently writing the third book in the Topeka series, editing Grumpy Old Gods Volume 6 (coming in March 2023!) with Juneta Key and working on the next story in the AREA 52 series, Zeta. You can find her at and