Victoria Dutu

关于作者 Personal information Name: VICTORIŢA DUŢU Date of birth: August 1971 Telephone: Mobile: +4 0740-279-908 Email:, Victoria Dutu is a graduate of the faculties of mathematics-1995 and philosophy-1999, University "Al. Ioan Cuza" Iasi. She is a full-time mathematics teacher at the "Traian" Theoretical High School in Bucharest. She participated in Art and Book Festivals and Fairs in the country and abroad. She has won national and international prizes for painting and poetry and has had painting exhibitions in the country and abroad. New York, Miami, Oxford, London, Paris, Rome, Venice, Florence, Medellin-Columbia, Berlin, Velden -Austria, the center of France at Chouzy-sur-Cisse, Sanremo, Poland, Switzerland, Romania, and Bucharest. Education and training: • 2011, 2012 – the summer course of lectures at the Philosophy Higher School, intitled Philosophy, Science, Religion, from the University in Bucharest • 1998 – Master in Logic and Hermeneutics • 1994 – 1998 The Faculty of Philosophy from The University “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi • 1990 – 1995 The Faculty of Mathematics from The University “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi ARTISTIC AND CULTURAL ACTIVITY 2022 - Participate with an artwork at the XIth Edition CONTEMPORARY Art Exhibition, at Palazzo Bembo, European Cultural Center, Venice, Italy from October 20 to November 10, 2022. Event organized by the ITSLIQUID Italy Cultural Corporation -I participated between August 22-28, 2022 at the Poetas al Viento - Poetry Festival in Medellin, Colombia, the sixth edition. I was present with the volume of poems Exista un Tu and the versions in English and Spanish There is a You / Hay un Tu. -I participated at the international art exhibition of MEGA ART artists, STUDIO D'ARTE LARKINA LORETA - Campo San Stae Santa Croce 1979 in Venice. An event by MEGA ART GALLERY - Poetry book Hay un Tu, Spanish edition, published on Amazon. -Victoria Dutu publishes in English the novel “The Father of Love” on Amazon. 2021 -Poetry book Le monts, French edition, published on Amazon. - Poetry book Espaces, French edition, published on Amazon. -Between 6-12 December 2021 she participated in the Festival of Sacred Art in France, in Compiegne, not far from Paris, France and took the Prix Géant des Beaux-Arts Prize. -Victoria Dutu has a group exhibition all April 2020 at New York Empire Art with the New York Art Center Gallery, curator David De Hannay -She publishes on Amazon 37 Albums of Art, with one hundred paintings each, from her own creation. 2020 - The novel Gabriel, Spanich edition, published on Amazon. -The novel Mary English edition, published on Amazon -Victoria Dutu has a group exhibition all April 2020 at New York Art Fair with the New York Art Center Gallery, curator David De Hannay - this event did not exist due to the pandemic. -Victoria Dutu will take part in the festival of sacred art in France which will take place in April 2020, in the cathedral of Saint Peter the Apostle in the city of Senlis near Paris. – this event did not exist due to the pandemic. 2019 Victoria Dutu publishes the novel “LUMINILE DRAGOSTEI” in Romanian and English “LIGHTS OF LOVE” on Amazon and in Bucharest. “INTRE TOACA SI CLOPOT” in Romanian and in English “THE SOUNDS OF THE BELLS” on Amazon and in Bucharest. The book is a dialogue between science, philosophy, life, and love for the neighbor, the world and God. 2018 Victoria Dutu attends the Book Fair at MIAMI Florida USA, November 16-18, 2018, with the novel “Gabriel” in English, with ten other books translated into English and with a small picture exhibition, with the works used as covers on their own. books. Victoria Dutu publishes in June 2018 the short prose book “Ilynca”, in English at AMAZON Victoria Dutu publishes in June 2018 the book of philosophical-religious meditation in English at AMAZON “Anonymous” 2017 -Victoria Dutu publishes in June 2017 the short prose book “Ilinca” – Exhibited at Paris Louvre Carousel -Published in November 2017 the book of philosophical-religious meditation “Anonymous” -Published in June 2017 the novel “Maria”, in Romanian. – Publication in the United States of America at “AuthorHouse” “THERE IS A YOU” – the volume of English poetry with 25 paintings by the author. July 2017 -Published in the United States of America on “AuthorHouse” “POWDER OF LOVE” – a volume of English poetry with 25 paintings by the author. May 2017 2016 • Victoria Dutu was awarded “Sandro Botticelli” Art in Florence, Italy; September 2016 • Victoria Dutu was awarded “Casanova Art” in Venice, at Flangini Palace, the Cultural Center of Venice, Italy; September 2016 • Victoria Dutu exhibited in Rome at the Domus Via Quattro Fontane Romanian Art Gallery, the exhibition ArtExpo Summer International Rome, between 2 to 16 June 2016, ITALY, • Victoria Dutu Exposed Biennale arts in Cannes during the Film Festival. 18-19 May 2016 Hotel J.W. Mariotte, MAMAG organized by the Modern Art Museum, curator Heinz 2015 • She has exhibited at the New York Art Expo Fair, 94 Pier Street, one of the largest art fairs in the world, with the International Agency for arts Basak Malone, April 23-26, 2015 picture from the series “The blue Sfers” . • Exhibition at "Oxford International Art Fair 2015," 6 - 8 February. • -Painting exhibition at the Museum of Young Art Vienna, within the "Add to Address Book" lead by Mirela Trăistaru project under ICR Vienna, Austria, 16 December 2014-15 January 2015. 2014. • Group Exhibition London at Brick Lane Gallery - London‎ ART IN MIND; LUCID DREAMING, 6th - 17th August 2014. • Attend the exhibition at the Casino Velden Austria, 24-28 September 2014, at the event "Lifestyle Woman`s Day & Night Luxury Casino Velden 2014" under the Chamber of Commerce of Austria. • Exhibition VIENNA, at "Time" Gallery-“Blue Symphony of Angels”, in the period 28 April to 9 May 2014, • The Group EXHIBITION Artec Salon FRANCE, The Matra Museum April 2 to 14 and The library Jacques-Thyraud from 8 to 26 April, Chouzy/Cisse, the centrum of France. • • Participation Grimberg Action House and Radisson Blue Hotel, 15-24 February, Romania, Bucharest, 2014 ..................... Author VICTORIA DUTU Takes Gabriel At The Miami Book Fair 2018 MIAMI, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, October 30, 2018 / -- The books are definitely coming to downtown Miami as the nation’s finest literary festival, the Miami Book Fair International holds its annual celebration. This eight-day literary party will commence on November 11 with over a hundred-thousand readers and writers in attendance. Distinguished authors from the United States and other parts of the globe, as well as book lovers, will be gracing the Fair and its many activities. Formerly known as “Books by the Bay”, the Miami Book Fair was founded in 1984 by Miami-Dade College. The growth and success of the very first event which took place in the same year were endeavored by Miami-Dade College in cooperation with the Miami-Dade Public Library System, Wolfson Campus President, Eduardo J. Padron, and local independent bookstore owners Mitchell Kaplan of Books & Books and Craig Pollock of BookWorks. The team had reached their success during the 90’s, when the two-day street fair grew steadily and became the largest literary festival in the country, thus acquiring its well-earned name, Miami Book Fair. AuthorCentrix celebrates its second year as one of the exhibitors at the Fair. The company will be gracing the event with Victoria Dutu and the English Edition of her Contemporary piece –Gabriel. This year at the Fair, she brings to the readers, another over-the-top novel about conquering every challenge. A chance for one-to-one Author Interview and Book Signing with Dutu await everyone! Victoria Dutu makes a comeback in the literary scene with an English Edition of her Contemporary, Gabriel. The novel relates to love, inspired by the author’s history. Compelling, edifying and stirring – the powerful characters in the story are relatable as they conquer life’s challenges thrown at them. Dutu’s piece is a reminder that often what feels like the end of the world is really a trail to a far better place. The Festival will bring over hundreds of renowned national and international exhibitors together as it continues to become a model for other fairs across the country. Events and activities include the Street Fair, book signings, live music, workshops, and readings and discussions with notable authors from both, the U.S., and from around the world. The Miami Book Fair 2018 invites the book lovers to join the annual celebration, as it remains to uphold the cognizance of reading ability and literary arts in the city’s multi-ethnic community, making it the nation’s undisputable, finest literary festival! Victorita Dutu AUTHORCENTRIX, INC.


