Vilma Di Nardo hails from the vast State of Western Australia, a proud descendant of European origins. She has lived in England and Japan where she worked as an English language teacher. 'History has always been a part of my DNA- both of my parents lived through the Second World War and I grew up with so many stories about the war that they soon became embedded into my subconscious.' Vilma has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Media Studies with a Minor in Writing and always wanted to combine her great love for history into a historical fiction novel. Her debut novel Lily of the Valley, the first installment in the upcoming series, with its richly drawn eight character perspectives has reached #1 Best Seller on Amazon in History of Germany in the United States and in her home country. 'Let's keep history alive by honouring those who sacrificed so much so we can live free from oppression.' She currently resides in Perth, Western Australia.