Virginia Hall-Apicella


Virginia (Ginny) Hall-Apicella, a native of Rochester, New York, attended college in NYC. As she always enjoyed school, she continued, earning a master's degree from Columbia University and a doctorate in counseling psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. She spent 30 years as a psychologist in the New York City court system, as a consultant in mental health agencies, and in private practice. She specialized in the concerns of women and children. Her profession opened her eyes and mind to the emotions and inner lives of thousands of individuals. She hopes it gave her a deeper understanding of the feelings and motives of the characters she creates in her fictional work. Ginny’s debut novel, Even A Sparrow, is a fictional account of her ancestors’ journey from Europe to America in 1815. In addition to psychology-based articles, she has published several short stories and edited a historical newsletter. Ginny and her husband, Guy, are the parents of three wonderful children and the grandparents to four fabulous grandchildren. A self-acknowledged “history nerd, " she is a docent at a local historic church. When not writing, Ginny enjoys gardening, reading, poker, and croquet.


