I first heard of Bhagavad-gita when I was trekking with my then boyfriend (now husband) John Griesser in the Himalayas way back in the summer of '71. We were at the snow line, 10,000 feet at that time of year, and decided to spend a few restful days in an abandoned cowshed. From deep inside his backpack John pulled out a blue paperback with a line drawing of a regal, four-armed person on the cover. During our stay, I sat for hours surrounded by towering snowy peaks in crystal-clear air, with no other humans around, trying to read this early edition of Bhagavad-gita. I understood little but I was intrigued. The idea of tolerating dualities and remaining equipoised in their midst enticed me, as did the concept of an eternal spiritual presence within all living beings. And the Gita opened me to the thought that I could improve my character as well as the quality of my life through knowledge. Over the years, as I continued studying Bhagavad-gita and practicing its precepts, my respect for its wisdom, relevance, and comprehensiveness grew. Gradually Bhagavad-gita revolutionized my life. *** about the author Since her first trip to the East in 1971 (when she was 20), Visakha's life has never been the same. She's tried to explain what happened to her -- and what's continuing to happen -- in numerous magazine articles as well as five books, most recently Five Years, Eleven Months and a Lifetime of Unexpected Love, a memoir. Visakha also assists her husband, John Griesser, in making documentary films. In 2017 the couple released the 90-minute documentary, "Hare Krishna!, the Mantra, the Movement, and the Swami who started it all," which won the Jury Prize for best picture at the Illuminate Film Festival in Sedona, Arizona, and has been translated into 26 languages and screened in theaters throughout the world. John and Visakha are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters.