Life began for me in the woods of Louisiana many years ago. While those years were formative, it was my time spent in the West, in Arizona, that really brought out the "cowboy" in me. I learned to love all things western. My favorite author has always been Louis L'Amour, The Dean of Western Fiction. Every book the man ever wrote has been past my eyes. There is little question that my style was influenced by the man. This is not to say I'm a peer, or even close to being another L'Amour. Every writer has his or her own style. I've got my own style, but I have to confess it's been influenced by this man. My first story, a novella, was for the premier issue of a California publication, Far West. I'd written L'Amour soon after getting notice of the acceptance of my story. He responded to a question I had, and congratulated me on my first story (yeah, I had to brag a little to him). He revealed to me that we'd be sharing that issue. So, I made it on the cover (my name) right under the featured story by Louis L'Amour. A few years later I quit writing. Instead, I began college and 8 years later stumbled out of law school(almost literally - since I worked full time the whole way through, I was something of a "zombie" when I left). My legal career put a huge crimp in my time, so my writing languished until 1996 when I wrote my book "Protecting Your Church Against Sexual Predators: A Legal FAQ for Church Leaders," published by Kregel. Although I am a lawyer by trade, my real love is writing. I just did a Kindle book entitled "How to Reduce Fear of a Deposition." Just about every client I have ever had who has had to be deposed, was very afraid. However, after I'd spoken with them and explained some thing to them, they relaxed and went through their depositions without the fear they had initially. I felt it was an important book since there are literally hundreds of depositions taking place every day of the week. Writing is, for me, more than a hobby. It is a passion to which I am committed. It is "medicine" and a way for me to, at times, escape to other worlds and other times. I recently did a "sci-fi" novel based on a period of time that occurs after what is commonly called "The Millennium," which is a 1000 year span where Christ rules the earth. I realized one day that during this period of time, there will surely be enormous leaps in technology and medicine. It seemed to me that space travel would be a definitely probability. After all, Earth will have gone through 1000 years without crime, without disease, and no wars. How could they not explode their technology and leap into space? So, I placed a character who has no belief in god or gods, nor of Christ or Christianty, into the chaos that erupts after Christ's rule. He is a warrior. It was a fun book. I honestly did not know where it was going, nor how it would end. Indeed, after I was nearly done, I knew that this was a series, not just a single book. So, I'm writing the next book in the series, now. The first one is "Millennium Soldier: The Ancient Ones." This one will be "Millennium Soldier: The War of the Crstings." This second novel is about a race of beings created by Lucifer. They are human clones, but without a spirit. Their goal is the absolute destruction of humanity. They, and their creator, want to replace all humans on Earth. I will probably always write westerns, but I also plan to write some non-fiction and am currently working on two non-fiction titles. Both will no doubt take a few years to complete.