Professor Qihao Weng was born in Fuzhou, China. He is currently 43 years old, and lives in a neighborhood called Hawthorn Woods. He and his wife, Jessica, have two sons and one daughter. Professor Weng loves drinking tea, playing basketball, and entertaining his family. He often comes up with amusing jokes that please his family. He also loves spending time with his children, playing chess, biking, and hiking. Qihao Weng is a professor at Indiana State University (ISU). His profession is Urban Remote Sensing and GIS (Geographic Information System). He is well known for his books and articles. People all around the world regard him as an excellent professor. Qihao Weng has been requested to go to many places in the past few years, for his knowledge and experience in Remote Sensing and GIS. Professor Weng is often requested to give talks by universities and research institutes in both China and USA, and he has also gone to help NASA for a year. What many professors in China and America find him superior is that Professor Qihao Weng can speak three languages, two different Chinese dialects and English. Professor Weng finds this very useful during his travels. Professor Weng has traveled to many places around the world, and still is on the go. The next time you hear Qihao Weng is coming, try to get a picture! (Written by Anthony Weng, 10 years old. He can be reached at