Wayne M. Hall


Brigadier General (Retired) Wayne M. Hall has made his life’s mission to serve his country and mankind by helping others make full use of intelligence capabilities and learning how to think deeply about difficult subjects. He is a 30 veteran in the U.S. Army. He is a staunch believer in the notion that thought does matter and that it is through purposeful, challenging use of our intellects that we can shape, protect and serve humanity. Although machines have their place in the process, the human mind is and will always be uniquely superior in creative and imaginative capability to man-made machines. Learning ‘how to think’ is an enormous aspect of being alive; however, people have to broaden their horizons and have a desire to be life-long learners and thought leaders/mentors. Brigadier General Hall is proud of the unique system of thought that he developed for advanced intelligence analysis, advanced intelligence collection, and the theory and conceptual underpinnings involved in understanding the phenomenon of ‘will,’—the age-old core of conflict that has brought both greatness and misery to mankind. All of these subjects can be taught in seminars and used in national security and law enforcement operations, homeland security and competitive commercial activities. Brigadier General Hall has academic credentials too: he holds a Bachelor of Science in history from the University of Nebraska, a Master of Science in Adult Education from Kansas State University, a Masters of Military Art and Science from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, and an EdD in Adult Education from George Washington University. He attended the Army’s Command and General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS), and the National War College. Brigadier General Hall has authored four books: Stray Voltage War in The Information Age (Naval Institute Press, 2003), Intelligence Analysis - How to Think in Complex Environments (Praeger Security International, 2009), Intelligence Collection - How To Plan and Execute Collection Operations in Complex Environments (Praeger Security International (2012), and—The Power of Will in International Conflict (scheduled for publication by Praeger Security International in late September 2018). Brigadier General Hall and his wife live near Denton Texas.


