How to reach Wendy Jo: Website/ www.wendyjocerna.com Facebook page / Wendy Jo Cerna - Author Email / wjcernaauthor@gmail.com Instagram / @wendyjocerna Wendy Jo is a suburban housewife/business-owner/mom who is also a writer. Born into a family of educators in Minnesota, she was raised in an environment where books were plentiful and reading was a part of everyday life. A love of storytelling drew her into the world of theater during college. She finished her undergraduate degree at the University of Washington in Seattle where she met her husband of 30 plus years. They are business owners in the Pacific Northwest and the parents of three adult children. She received a Master of Science degree in Psychology from Walden University in 2009 which she has used in various counseling and teaching settings. In 2015, she embarked upon her journey as an author with an inspirational nudge from out of the blue. "The Baby-Catcher Gate" was her first contribution to the wonderful world of fiction, published in December of 2017. "The Agreements" is her latest work.