Wendy Speake


As a trained actress and heartfelt Bible teacher, Wendy Speake ministers to women’s hearts through storytelling and life application. Wendy is the author of The 40-Day Sugar Fast and The 40-Day Social Media Fast, published by Baker Publishing House. She hosts an online community Sugar Fast every January. Find out more at 40daysugarfast.com In her popular parenting book "Triggers: Exchanging Parents' Angry Reactions for Gentle Biblical Responses," Wendy and co-author Amber Lia, help parents who struggle with angry, reactionary parenting, by pointing them toward biblical principles. Their Triggers Study Guide takes moms and dads even deeper in God's Word, where true transformation can be found. Their follow-up book, Parenting Scripts, takes the lessons from Biblical principles to practical application, as they help parents create actual scripts to speak to their children in the most ordinary and exasperating moments of family life. Wendy is also the co-author of "Life Creative: Inspiration for Today's Renaissance Mom," with Kelli Stuart. Life Creative is a missive of encouragement to creative moms, telling the stories of 30 women who are living inspired and inspiring lives in the midst of motherhood. Connect with her online at wendyspeake.com where she blogs about faith and family, motherhood and marriage. Or follow along on Instagram @wendy_speake



