William Keiper


Will Keiper is recognized as a pragmatic truth-teller and change agent. He is a multi-award-winning author on transformation, business, and leadership and an expert in intensive, short-term, game-changing consulting and coaching. He is an 8x NYSE and NASDAQ company leader, and private company CEO and board member. He is committed to those ready for transformation to do things differently by seeing things differently. He is the author of The Power of Noticing: My Transformative Journey of Grace to Here and Now; The Leader and The Coach--The Art of Humanity in Leadership (with Steve Chandler); The Well-Being Bucket List: 29 Mindful Choices for Older Adults (with Steve Chandler), Untethered Aging – Successful Aging in the New Normal, Life Expectancy - It's Never Too Late to Change Your Game, The Power of Urgency - Playing to Win with Proactive Urgency, Cyber Crisis - It's Personal Now, and The Presidential Essays: Amazon for President, Apple for President and Walmart for President.



