William Martin


I have taken a winding road that has led me straight to the present moment. I have, over the years, worn the labels of, "Christian, Buddhist, and Taoist." I have followed careers called, "Scientist, Minister, Therapist, Writer, and Painter." I have two children by my first marriage. Lara and John are delightful people and bring me much joy. I have three grandchildren, Jillian, Andrew, and Emma - all of whom likewise delight me. I have been married to Nancy for 34 years now and she is the mate of my heart and I cherish my life with her. Nancy and I now live in the Sonoran desert of southern Arizona where we, like Ed Abbey, cherish one of humanity's last true wilderness areas. I write these words at the age of 79 years and I sense that I am in the most creative, generative, and in many ways, powerful time of my life. I write, publish, dance, walk in the desert, and celebrate my life.



