William Widmaier was a successful marketing and design executive by profession. His somewhat secret other life is that of a writer. He’s moonlighted as a magazine columnist, a short story writer, was the editor of The Memoirs Project (working with the French Consulate to capture the stories of veterans who fought in France in WWII), and he is a produced feature film screenwriter. In 2010 he released his critically acclaimed first novel A Feast at the Beach. It is an evocative autobiographical Franco-American coming of age tale that takes place in the renown coastal town of Saint Tropez, France, where he spent significant parts of his childhood. William retired from working full time in the corporate world at the end of 2020, said goodby to California, and bought a 265-year-old estate in Occitanie in southwestern France, where he now lives. William spends most of his time restoring the estate, enjoying the foods and wines of the region, and creating a marvelous garden with his wife. And writing of course. In May 2024 William published a collection of short stories titled The Laughter of Small Gods. Rumor has it that he has begun work on his next book.