Willy Robbins


While doing my student teaching years ago, my kiddos needed help getting in a line to go to art, p.e., music, recess. You get the picture. I would put a beanie baby of a killer whale on my shoulder as the line up signal, and the first one in line would get to carry "Willy". Soon, my sweet group of first graders started calling me Miss Willy. Hence my pen name, Willy Robbins. I have been teaching reading for 17 years, and have seen books take on many new forms. Kindles, iPads, mp3, laptops and nooks, but one thing for sure is my love of books has taken me on many journeys, including this new one of being an author. Still have four kiddos between my husband and I, none of them in the nest now. This left me time and energy for book number 3...Nogard the Dyslexic Dragon releases the 17 the of January, 2016. I will post a happy dance if I make it into the top 100 rank in any category my books are listed. Stay tuned!

