After starting as a critic for each of the two big LA newspapers, I quit to jump at my first chance to write a book. It was GIVE YOUR HEART TO THE HAWKS, now in print for more than forty years, and recently on the NEW YORK TIMES best-seller list. Three dozen other books have followed, including STONE SONG, the story of the life of Crazy Horse. That led me to become a pipe carrier and to walk the red road, an adventure I'd never dreamed of. I've also sold a stack of screenplays and have two more books in the pipeline. I've won the lifetime achievement award of Western Writers of America, and am in the Western Writers Hall of Fame. After years of writing, climbing mountains, and running rivers, I married novelist Meredith Blevins, and we built a home among the Navajos in the wilds of the Utah canyonlands. We love each other, our kids and grandkids, writing, music, hanging out with our Anglo and Navajo neighbors, more writing, and riding the wild roller coaster of life.