Ylva Mara Radziszewski


Ylvadroma Marzanna Radziszewski is a Romani and Polish, gender non-binary, trans femme. They are High Priestess, a temple tender, traditional witch, teacher, writer, artist, and licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. They are known for approaching their work with a commitment to further understand how access to wellness and traditions of magic are complicated by and interconnected with the violence of kyriarchal oppression. Their practice prioritizes the support of Sex Workers, Black, Brown, and Indigenous community members, femmes, survivors of trauma and abuse, survivors of incest and assault, chronically ill folx, trans and non-binary specific health concerns, addiction recovery, reproductive health support, folx navigating intergenerational and diasporic trauma, and those seeking alternative and supplemental support for acute chronic mental health concerns. They are the founder of The School of Traditional Magic, co-founder of the radical witch’s collective The Witches Temple, formerly The Cunning Crow Apothecary, and co-creatrix of The Living Altar, a ritual and performance art project. For more information: The School of Traditional Magic Instagram @schooloftraditionalmagic https://www.traditionalmagic.com/ The Living Altar Instagram @thelivingaltar www.livingaltar.com The Witches Temple Instagram @communitywitchcraft www.witchestemple.org’


