
  • 2024年7月26日 在美国审核
    Where everything starts to come together.

    Queen of Shadows brings all of the world building, character introduction, and character development to a wonderful and action packed point. It all makes sense now!

    QoS is packed to the brim in order to fit all of the above in, but is done in an interesting and easy to read way that makes the pages fly by. Having read another series by Maas - ACOTAR - first, I feel as though I can sense some foreshadowing that will be important later. Maas has an amazing ability to add these elements throughout her series without missing a beat; this brings emotional punches as the series progresses. I’m excited to see how these items play out!

    The twists and turns in QoS took me by surprise; I found myself gasping and needing to set the book down for a few minutes in certain places. The delivery of these shocking events was delicious and left me begging for more! This is definitely a book that refuses to be put down.

    With a hopeful ending wrapping up Queen of Shadows, this almost feels like it could be the end. Instead, it’s an energizing start to my tandem read of Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn.
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