This card is fine. Aside from you are initially paying twice like with all secured cards. Your limit is what you’re capable of spending as a deposit. So when you spend the money that YOU deposited you then have to pay it back as if it was “credit” and not your money to begin with. I really hope there are no issues when I’m ready to close my card and get my deposit back. Also, I got this card to help with credit but more importantly because I was under the impression that once you have the secured card for a year your account is reviewed and eligible for a upgrade to the unsecured store card. Ive had this card well over a year and haven’t received anything about my account being reviewed or being able to upgrade. That’s pretty annoying. Especially since I’ve made every payment prior to my due date. And My credit score has gone up quite a bit since I got this card because of all the work I’ve put in to improve it. The cash back perk is nice to have and to use towards purchases. Sometimes they have deals for Amazon devices with 10-20% cash back but not always. It’s a good card for getting back on track or to get used to using a credit card.