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I'm Jake Anderson and I currently reside in Georgetown, Kentucky. I'm 23, and I've been a writer ever since I learned how to use a keyboard. Since middle school, I've written everything from long form fantasy horror to romance fanfiction, and I don't have any intent on slowing my output. Writing, fiction, stories and art are in my DNA, and I've been compelled to bow to the whims of wherever my interests take me. My first published series, Those Who Dwell in the Dark, is a coming of age/fantasy horror series in the vain of works like Stephen King's 'IT' with the eventual, evolving scope of something like Avatar: The Last Airbender. My work is not pristine, I aim to be an entertaining, occasionally overly-emotional page-turner and nothing more- but I will never be anything other than honest. I am currently in the throes of extending my writing beyond Those Who Dwell in the Dark: Baron's Hollow and it's sequel series, Children of the Grave, and I hope to grow my readership however I can. I appreciate any and all time given to my work, so thank you very much for being interested in me. If you find yourself being a big fan, check out my Youtube channel 'Jams and Tea'- where I have content featuring myself and my friends discussing, reviewing, podcasting, and playing anything and everything we can find.