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Games from Amazon.com

Playing board games is an easy and fun way for the whole family to spend time together. Childhood is short, so it’s important to spend time with your kids while they’re still young. At Amazon.com we carry a wide variety of board games to play with your family and friends.

We carry Fibber, Uno, Jenga, Spot It, the Sneaky Snacky Squirrel Game and a number of other board games that kids love. You won’t need to beg your kids to stop watching TV or playing video games when you have our fun family games. They’ll be begging you and all their friends to play along.

For literary families, check out our collection of word-based board games, including Scrabble, Bananagrams, Boggle, Mad Gab, Scattergories and more. They also help you retain a wider vocabulary, so you can show off your word-smithing even when you’re not playing.

But not all of our games are for young kids. We also carry a huge selection of card games perfect for older kids, teens and adults. Cards Against Humanity, Fluxx, Apples to Apples, Forbidden Island, and Munchkin Deluxe are all here in one easy-to-browse location for your convenience. If you’re more into trading card games, we also have Magic: the Gathering, Pokémon cards, Yu-Gi-Oh! and much more.

They say playing games involving strategy and planning can help your brain stay as you age. Expand your mind with board games like Chess, Shogi, and Go. Shogi, also known as Japanese chess, is a fun variation for fans of the western style of chess. Many of the pieces move similarly, but with added pieces and extra rules, it’s a fun way to re-inspire your old hobbies.

Life’s too short not to take a breather and have some fun. With creative board games like Telestrations and the Game of Things, you’re bound to learn something new about your friends and family. Browse Amazon.com’s wide selection of board games and you won’t be disappointed in what you find.