Ann Vanino is a career and new directions coach whose passion is collaborating with clients to create the life they want to live. You are a treasure and have gifts to give the world that are uniquely your own. As you “awaken” to what you really want and who you really are, your life can change in marvelous ways. Ann’s work is all about you – about collaborating with you to create a life that is fulfilling and brings your gifts out in the world. Ann grew up in New York City. Before coaching, Ann enjoyed a career in the environmental health and safety field, including running New York City’s Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Team, responding to over 600 chemical emergencies a year. Since then, Ann has coached over 4000 hours and loves her work. Ann now lives in the High Mojave Desert of southern California inspired by the solitude, beauty and silence of the desert and mountains that surround her.