“RIGHT in a Manger God LEFT His Son” by Debbie Hogan is a brilliant reimagining of the traditional Christmas story that transforms storytime into an engaging, interactive experience. This clever book combines the timeless nativity narrative with a simple yet captivating passing game that keeps young children physically engaged while they learn. The story follows Mary, Joseph, and their endearing donkey named LEFTY on their journey to Bethlehem, with a unique twist – children pass a Baby Jesus figure RIGHT or LEFT based on directional words in the text. The author skillfully weaves these directional cues into the narrative without forcing them, creating natural moments for interaction while maintaining the story’s flow and spiritual significance. The addition of original characters like LEFTY the donkey and Rachel WRIGHT adds warmth and relatability to the biblical story, helping young readers connect with the narrative on a more personal level. The book’s format encourages family participation and creates opportunities for multi-generational engagement, making it an excellent choice for family gatherings, Sunday school classes, or any group setting. What sets this book apart is its ability to address multiple learning styles simultaneously. Children develop listening skills as they watch for directional cues, practice motor skills as they pass the figure, and absorb the meaningful Christmas story through active participation. The included memory pages and “Christmas Champions” section transform the book from a one-time read into a cherished family tradition that can be documented and revisited year after year. The beautiful illustrations complement the text perfectly, providing visual anchors for young readers while maintaining focus on the sacred nature of the story. The clear instructions and setup guidelines make it easy for parents, teachers, or older siblings to facilitate the interactive elements. This book succeeds in making the Christmas story both fun and meaningful for young children while preserving its spiritual significance. It’s a refreshing and innovative approach to religious storytelling that families will likely find themselves returning to each holiday season, creating lasting memories and traditions in the process.