Deborah Adele


As a child and young adult, I was the one always seeking to be at the top of whatever I was doing; I was seeking to get an A+. Life has mellowed me through the years, but I am still seeking to get an A+. Now, however, I want to receive it because I lived well, not because I was at the top. When I go to bed at night, I want to know that for this day I was an asset to humanity. That for this day, I told myself the truth. For this day, I was kind. For this day, I put courage over fear. For this day, I participated fully in my life, and the world is a better place because I am here. Deborah Adele is an author and lecturer on yogic philosophy and yoga lifestyle. Her first book, The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice, is among the first books written in the West focused singularly on the topic of the first two of the eight limbs of yoga from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. The book has become an international best seller and a go-to book for anyone seeking deeper understanding of self. Deborah has continued exploring yoga philosophy in her following publications of The Kleshas: Exploring the Elusiveness of Happiness and The Yamas and Niyamas Embodied. Deborah has made several trips to India for study and exploration and currently spends her time teaching, writing, and enjoying family and friends, hiking, and playing piano. Along with several yoga certifications, Deborah has a background in theology, business, and somatic education. Deborah’s writing and teaching leave participants with a dynamic combination of hope, inspiration, and practical knowledge. Deborah feels it is important to continually ask ourselves the question, "What does it mean to be human?" by putting ourselves in places we can be challenged and changed, by telling ourselves the truth, and by sitting in some form of prayer, meditation, or reflection daily.


