Ibraheem Aljediea


Ibraheem Aljediea is a Saudi Interventional Radiology technologist, author, and speaker. His focus is interventional radiology. He Was born in 1976 and raised in a small village in Saudi Arabia called (Haid Abs) where he studied primary, middle, and high school. After high school, he joined King Saud University, Riyadh, in 1994 to study radiological science in the Allied Health College and graduated with Bacholar degree in radiological science in 1999. Before graduation, he volunteered to work for King Saud Medical City (KSAMC) as a radiology technologist volunteer. In 1999, he started an internship at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, for one year. started working for King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center as a Joiner interventional radiology technologist. In 2005, he joined the Saudi Aramco Healthcare Services Organization (SAMSO) as a senior interventional radiology technologist. In 2011, he graduated from the University of Phoenix, United States, with a Master of Healthcare Management. In 2017, he joined Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) hospital as a senior interventional radiology technologist. he is a known speaker regarding interventional radiology at several radiology conferences and events. Especially in the Saudi Society of Interventional Radiology and Pan Arab Society of Interventional Radiology, he is experienced in free-hand venous ultrasound-guided puncture for PICC line insertion and ultrasound-guided Peritoneal drainage.


