Jennifer Degenhardt taught high school Spanish for over 20 years and now teaches at the college level. At the time she realized her own high school students, many of whom had learning challenges, acquired language best through stories, so she began to write ones that she thought would appeal to them. Her books highlight cultural, social, economic and political themes necessary for continued conversation, both in the classroom and outside. She hopes her stories will provide a platform for discussion, as anything can be solved - to some degree - with a conversation Other titles by Jen Degenhardt available on Amazon: La chica nueva | La Nouvelle Fille | The New Girl La chica nueva (the ancillary/workbook volume, Kindle book, audiobook) Chuchotenango El jersey | The Jersey | Le Maillot La mochila | The Backpack | Le sac à dos Moviendo montañas La vida es complicada Quince | Fifteen El viaje difícil | Un Voyage Difficile | A Difficult Journey La niñera Fue un viaje difícil Con (un poco de) ayuda de mis amigos La última prueba Los tres amigos | Three Friends | Drei Freunde | Les Trois Amis María María: un cuento de un huracán | María María: A Story of a Storm | Maria Maria: un histoire d’un orage Debido a la tormenta La lucha de la vida | The Fight of His Life Secretos Como vuela la pelota @JenniferDegenh1 Twitter @jendegenhardt9 Instagram @puenteslanguage & World LanguageTeaching Stories (group) Facebook Visit to sign up to receive information on new releases and other events. Check out all titles as ebooks with audio on