Mark Tullius


My writing covers a wide range, with fiction being my favorite to create. There are 15 titles in my interactive Try Not to Die series and 25 more in the works. I also have two nonfiction titles, both inspired by a reckless lifestyle, playing Ivy League football, and battering my brain as an unsuccessful MMA fighter and boxer. Unlocking the Cage is the largest sociological study of MMA fighters to date and TBI or CTE aims to spread awareness and hope to others that suffer with traumatic brain injury symptoms. I live in sunny California with my wife, two kids, five cats, and one demon. Derek, he pops in whenever he’s bored and makes special appearances on my social media. You can also get your first set of free stories by signing up to my newsletter. This letter is only for the brave, or at least those brave enough to deal with bad dad jokes, a crude sense of humor, and loads and loads of unhappy endings. Derek and I would love to have you join us! For the newsletter, YouTube page, and more go to my website.



