Sarah Govett


Hello, I'm Sarah Govett, author of the YA dystopian trilogy, The Territory, and teen comedy series, India Smythe. Here's some information about me: I grew up in Richmond-upon-Thames and read law at Oxford University. After qualifying as a solicitor, I quit the law (with a huge sigh of relief) and pursued my passion for working with children and helping them prepare for and survive exams, setting up my own tutoring agency in the process. I'd always loved books, particularly ones with a sci-fi or humour element, but at this point had never imagined that I'd be writing rather than just reading them. It all changed with the birth of my first daughter. Ideas and fears based around global warming and the inequality I'd witnessed through my work in education began to solidify and take shape. I'd already decided that I'd take 6 months off work so this was my chance. While my baby slept, I typed and so The Territory was born. I didn't know if it was going to go anywhere so I named the main character, Noa, after my daughter, so at least she'd have someone with the same name to read about when she grew up. To my immense good fortune, The Territory was picked up by the Welsh publishing house, Firefly Press, and launched in May 2015, followed by The Territory: Escape in 2016 and The Territory: Truth in 2018. Since the initial release of The Territory, I've been lucky to meet so many lovely and extraordinary teens, English teachers, librarians, booksellers and fellow authors at my speaking engagements across the country. There have been so many highlights - winning the Trinity Schools Book Award, the Guardian's website calling it 'the 1984 of our time', the TV and film rights being optioned by New Pictures. However, I don't think anything will top being told by a teen in Cardiff that every time they sit a test at school, he and his friends work out whether their results meant they got to stay in the Territory or be banished to the Wetlands. My latest series, India Smythe (India Smythe Stands Up and India Smythe in Love?) is a comedy about the highs and lows of life as a fourteen-year-old girl, out with new comedy specialist, Marotte Books. I think we need more laughter in our lives. I hope you enjoy it.



