Guitar in hand, 15-year-old Susan Piper walked into the Cleveland bars in pursuit of stardom. A couple of decades later, Jesus decided that was long enough and pulled her out again with His mighty outstretched arm. During those wine-soaked years, Susan won the Kerrville Texas Songwriting Competition; performed in a multitude of dives and even some nice venues, including the Philadelphia Folk Festival; and recorded two albums for Sliced Bread Records. Since her conversion to Christ, she only sings in lovely places and has recorded seven CDs about her Savior. Nowadays, guitar in hand, Susan walks into nursing home rooms with her canine partner Levi. When she’s not working, Susan enjoys as much excitement as a highly sensitive person can stand in her little town in Northeast Ohio. Her pastimes include writing, solving British crime dramas, and pedaling Levi around in his bicycle basket.