Born and educated in South Africa and, following a stint in the army, I traveled widely in Africa, the Middle East, Europe and North America. I lived in Australia for 12 years, before finally settling in Canada. I have published a total of seven books. Two are non-fiction, "Searching for the Queen's Cowboys," and "Pacific War Ghosts," as well as five novels, "The Young Lions," its sequel "The Brave Men," and "A Forest of Spears" and its sequel "The Last Wild Rhino." All my books are available through Amazon as paperbacks and on Kindle. My first book, "Searching for the Queen's Cowboys," ("The Queen's Cowboys," on Kindle) resulted from a number of trips made together with my son Brad to South Africa while filming a documentary on Strathcona's Horse, a Canadian regiment that fought in the Anglo-Boer War. While living in Australia and Canada, I traveled throughout the South Pacific visiting the battlefields of World War II and photographing the wrecked ships, aircraft, tanks and guns left behind by one of the greatest conflicts in modern times. These journeys resulted in my second book, "Pacific War Ghosts," which documents my experiences visiting the battlefields of the South Pacific. "The Young Lions," my first adult historical novel, is set in South Africa in the closing years of the 19th century. It is the story of Robert Hamilton and his journey to South Africa seeking his fortune in the rough and tumble world of the Johannesburg goldfields on the eve of the Anglo-Boer War. "The Brave Men," the sequel to "The Young Lions," is also set in South Africa and continues the story of Robert Hamilton up to the outbreak of The Great War. The third novel in the Hamilton family series, "A Forest of Spears," is set in present-day South Africa and revolves around the ever present threat of international terrorism. "A Forest of Spears," was followed by "The Last Wild Rhino," a novel I wrote in response to the tragic slaughter of rhino in Africa. My latest book, "Tracking Evil," deals with the smuggling of drugs into South Africa through the Kruger National Park. I wrote this book as a result of a recent visit I made with My wife and life-long friend Jeff Davidson to the Kruger Park and Kwa-Zulu Natal. As with all my books, they are available on Amazon in both e-book and paperback form.