Bruce Powel Douglass

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Although I was raised by wolves in the forests of Oregon, I got my doctorate in Neurocybernetics from the USD Medical School in 1984. In the old days, I played classical guitar, ran triathlons, fought as a light heavyweight in full-contact Tae Kwon Do (in which I have a black belt), and occasionally created mathematical methods for studying information processing in biological neural systems. Now I am the Senior Principal Agile Systems Engineer at the MITRE Corporation, spreading joy and technology as help our sponsors develop new and innovative systems. I've contributed to a number of standards - such as UML and SysML - and consult with high-tech embedded engineers all over the world building everything from cardiac pacemakers to next-generation space craft.

If you're interested in consulting, mentoring or training, feel free contact me. I can be followed on Twitter @IronmanBruce or you can visit my real-time and embedded web site at .
