Renee Beck


Renee has been working with dreams, ritual, energy, and symbolic systems for over 40 years. A non-denominational minister, she helps folks create & perform personalized rituals for life transitions. Renee maintains a private practice in Dreamwork & Transpersonal Psychotherapy for teens & adults, specializing in Shadow work, & family therapy, in the San Francisco East Bay. She is a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (#MFC21060) with over 30 years experience, with a BA in Consciousness from Goddard College and masters degrees in Transpersonal Counseling and in Clinical Psychology from John F. Kennedy University. You can learn more about her private work at At Holden High School (formerly CCAS) since 1981, Renee created, nourished, and developed the Counselor Training and Internship Program. As Clinical Co-Director, she teaches, does therapy with teenagers & their families, and trains and supervises the counseling interns.


