Dixon Long lives in Mill Valley, California. Before moving to the Bay area in 1990, he was professor of Political Science and dean of Western Reserve College at Case Western Reserve University. His account of sailing around the world with two friends, Westward Home, was published by Carpenter Reserve Printing Company in 1979. His first novel, Brothers, was published in 2001 by Creative Arts Book Company, Berkeley. He has co-authored two guides to markets in France, Markets of Provence (HarperCollins, 1966) and Markets of Paris (The Little Bookroom, 2nd Edition 2013). His short stories have appeared in several small literary magazines. Part of novella. Weekend in the Luberon, was published in ZYZZYVA 76, Spring 2006. In his academic career, he wrote extensively about the intersection of science, technology and public policy, including Reviews of National Science Policy: Japan (OECD, 1967), and Science Policies of Industrial Nations, with Christopher Wright (Praeger, 1975). His interests outside of writing fiction and travel include gourmet food and wine-tasting. He is a swimmer and hiker, and reads the New York Times and The New Yorker.