I've worked, lived in, and/or visited over 90 countries on every continent (including Antarctica) in a variety of capacities, with a special interest in antiquities, art, and religion.
In the last few years, I've focused on LDS Church history and Book of Mormon topics, written from a faithful perspective. I'm optimistic and enthusiastic about the Restoration and all the work people are doing to create an integrated network of happier, more fulfilling societies around the world--the Latter-day Zion. I seek "no more contention" (see my site nomorecontention) by focusing on clarity, charity, and understanding.
I'm especially interested in economics, psychology and the way people form and change beliefs and habits. In my book The Rational Restoration, I distill my previous books to offer dozens of reframes of well-known historical evidence to clarify and simplify the Restoration and make it accessible to more people.
I enjoy interacting with readers individually and in groups.